5 Juvenile Justice Research Paper Topics
One way to get a good grade on your research paper is to choose a unique and interesting topic to discuss in your writing. Often, students are asked to write on their opinions regarding the juvenile justice system. When approaching this subject it is a good idea to take a unique angle that hasn’t been written on before.
Here are 5 Juvenile Justice Research Paper Topics that you may want to use for inspiration:
1. Should children be tried as adults?
This is a common topic to discuss because many people feel very strongly that children should never be tried as adults. In some states however, very violent crimes can lead to children be persecuted facing the same punishments as adults. What are your thoughts on this? What research can you find either supporting or against this idea.
2. Can children who commit violent crimes be rehabilitated?
This is another subject that may be very controversial to discuss in your research paper. When a juvenile commits a violent crime do you believe that they can be rehabilitated through counseling? Is it ever appropriate to lock a child up for life?
3. Is it possible for a juvenile to be a socio-path?
What do you think? There is research out there that argues children should not be labeled as sociopaths because they are not fully developed. Others, believe that socio-path exhibit these behaviors early on and are a danger to society? Either way, it could an interesting angle for your research paper.
4. Should children be imprisoned with adults?
Obviously, this is a very black and white issue. Should juveniles who commit violent crimes be held in high-security prisons with adults? Will these lead to more violent behavior or possible “scare them straight”?
5. Is house arrests a better option for juvenile offenders who do not commit violent crimes?
Some people believe that going to prison can actually encourage more criminal behavior. The solution being, to put non-violent offenders on house arrest. Is this a good or a bad thing? What does the research say? Keeping in mind that many young offenders probably have troubles at home that are causing their criminal behavior- could this actually make matters worse?