Looking For A Good Research Paper Proposal Example In The APA Format

APA format in a proposed research paper upholds the general structure where you have to include a title, abstract, the main body and the references. While writing in APA format, you should maintain some features of it. Like you have to use a font size of 12, then you have to leave 1-inch margin from all the sides, include a running title in the header, etc. While searching for a good research paper proposal example in the APA format, you should get some points cleared before searching. Otherwise, you won’t be able to find a good one.

Here are some tips to look for good research paper proposal example:

  • While searching for a good example, you should be aware of the proper style of the APA format. If you do not know the proper style, then you won’t be able to select a good illustration.

  • Make sure that the title page of the sample paper should contain the title, name of the author, name of the university, along with the other information like the budget, submission date, etc. This will help you to trace out the time when it is written. It will help you to give references.

  • In the next page, where the abstract is written, find out the brief descriptive summary stating the problems and various points about the topic. Find out the relevant keywords of the proposed research topic at the end of the written abstract.

  • Find out the in-text citations, whether it is given in a correct way or not. In every in-text citations, there should be a mention of the parenthesis at the end of the resource sentence, i.e. with the name of the author and the date of publication.

  • In the main body, make sure that the statements made in the main body, are relevant to the proposed research topic with good references and good points to clarify the main title.

  • Make sure that there is a reference list at the end of the paper. Whatever references are being used in the paper, are all present in the list. It will help you to understand the main objective of the paper better. Because you can find out the references easily while reading it.

  • In the reference list also, make sure about the mention of the author and the date of the publication with each of the references.