How to Create an Original Research Paper Topic: Hints From Academic Writer

Be it a research project given in a semester or a part of your very nature of the job, formulating a good and original research papers have always been a problematic concern for the people drafting them Keeping the two parameter; quality and originality in parallel while writing a research paper is challenging yet crucial. In the words of Herman Melville, an American novelist, "It's better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."

  • Identify the goal and audience:

    Before getting started with the research paper, you need to realize the very goal and aim of your research and the audience that you intend to target for this research paper. Only in this way will you be able to formulate a study that would be realistic and sensible to both the audience and yourself.

  • Value:

    Research paper goes beyond the boundaries of mere stories and tales, incorporating the evaluation of the ideas you put forward. Writing a research paper without any purpose and value would do no good, to you or the audience, rather you need to focus on the result that the research paper would bring forth, that is its worth. You should look at new ways of solving the existing problem or unveiling new dimensions and areas worth the notice. You need to figure out the value!

  • Research Conduction:

    In order to maintain the originality of your study and writing, you need to have some ample amount and time of research in the area of your concern. Research can be done in a number of ways; through internet, journals, news, books, and interviews. Look for the professional studies in the area of your research and get a stronger insight into what is required in the paper. Go for an empirical research, to make your research paper more extraordinary and profound.

  • Logical order:

    While formulating a research paper or a thesis, it is of utmost importance to arrange the paper in a very logical pattern. The research paper needs to be properly structured or you will definitely squander all the attention and recognition that your paper deserves. Hence, formulate it in a comprehensible way resulting in a smooth transition from one topic or clause to another.

  • Creativity:

    Last but not the least, your research paper should exhibit some sort of creativeness. Gather as much knowledge as you can about your area of interest, look for creative research writings and get a hint of how to formulate your original yet creative and superlative piece of research as originality is the essence of the writing but creativity is the very soul of it.