How to Write My Term Paper as Fast as Possible: A Simple Technique

If you have to submit your term paper in a few days or sooner and you have not even started it, this article is for you. With these recommendations, you can develop a great term paper in a single evening.

  • Pick your topic (15 minutes).

  • For a last-minute term paper, the best choice is a very broad topic on which lots of previous research has been done. Do not try to invent anything super-smart or original – you can get stuck with it. All you need is enough information to collage and put in your own words – that’s what makes a decent paper.

  • Write a rough outline (15 minutes).

  • Look into the Wikipedia article on your topic. Although you may not quote any information from Wikipedia in your paper, reading this article will give you the most accurate snapshot of your whole subject. Use the article’s outline structure, modifying it to your needs so that your borrowing will not be obvious.

  • Research (2 hours).

  • Although it may sound surprising, a faster way is to do your research first and then develop your thesis statement. If you do your thesis first, you may find that there is not enough information to support it, and hence you have to re-word it. Use your rough outline as your guide. Do a quick search on the Web for books and articles that contain relevant information (Google Scholar can be helpful). Do not waste your time reading all of them. Look through the relevant sections only. If you see this source is rich in useful information, add it to your reference list.

  • Take notes as you research.

  • Copy-and-paste any valuable information you discover under a respective heading in your outline. Paraphrase them in your own words. Include a reference to the source in brackets. These quotations will make the framework of your paper body.

  • Develop your thesis statement (15 minutes).

  • Now that you have enough information, look through it to identify a general pattern. For example, most of your quotations can be about a person’s influence and historical impact, or the discoveries he or she has made. Reflect it in your thesis statement. Make it as clear and specific as possible.

  • Elaborate on your quotes (3 hours).

  • Look through the quotes that are organized by outline sections. Arrange them in a logical order. Add your own comments, analysis, and transitions. In general, you should have two of your own words for each quoted or paraphrased one.

  • Proofread (1 hour).