How to Compose Acknowledgements for a Scientific Research Paper

There seems so many little rules about how to write a scientific research paper. People may wonder why some of these are even necessary and acknowledgments can come across as just a waste of space. They are not. In fact, these can be very strategic parts to the whole. Acknowledgments recognize those people and institutions that have helped in the project. This could include grants and donations of money. Placed after the Discussion and before the Bibliography, the Acknowledgment is a necessary part of the final paper. There are some things to be remembered as the acknowledgment is written.

  • Thank Those Who Physically Help You. This should be anyone who reviewed the draft and gave valuable suggestions on how to improve the text.
  • Recognize All the Funding Sources. This may be required by foundations along with a copy sent to that organization. A researcher has to understand that if he or she ever wants to get a grant from a particular foundation, there needs to be a recognition of what was done on the current project.
  • Give Attention to the Small Acts of Kindness. Someone may have gone out of their way to provide assistance. It could be the use of their home or their place of business. What they did may have seemed minor, but it did help make the research paper that much easier to do. The small acts of kindness that are recognized will encourage the person or organization to do it again at some later time.
  • This Is a Moment to Be Sincere. Scientific research papers are often enveloped in highly technical and stylized language. The Acknowledgments are an opportunity for the writer to show gracious thanks for the help and support. This is a chance to show a human side and ought to be capitalized on. People respond extremely well to the human touch.

Many departments will say that the Acknowledgment page is not necessary. However, those who gave support are going to be looking for it in the final publication. They may express feelings of being hurt if ignored and at the same time they are not going to be too pleased. The last thing anyone needs is bad word-of-mouth marketing. A person who is forgotten in the Acknowledgment can very easily let it be known to other people. That can cause an image problems that could have been avoided. It does not take an awful lot of effort or time to write a sincere Acknowledgment of those who were of service. This page ought to be part of every scientific research paper.