5 Things You Should Know About The Appendix Of A Term Paper

Most term papers will need to include some graphic information that can help your audience understand various claims. You would want to include the graph, map, or table into your piece so that when you refer to it, the audience has a chance to see what you are talking about. You may not want to include it with the regular text of your paper. Most people will include it at the end of the paper in an appendix. This is where you will present information of this kind. There are five things that you should know about the appendix of a term paper.

  1. Include maps, calculations, tables, graphs, and more
  2. This is where you put your graphical information, you would refer to the information in your paper. You may choose to not show it with your paper because it doesn’t enhance your paper. Maybe you just took one thing off of the graph. It would be good to put it in the appendix because it doesn’t enhance your essay but it is important for your audience to be able to refer to it if they need to.

  3. Reference appendix in text
  4. You will reference the appendix in your text. It can be a part of your paper. You would refer to the appendix number and then state your claim about it. That way if your audience wants to see the diagram, they know where to look.

  5. Structure the appendices
  6. You will want to follow a solid structure for your appendices. You want them to all be uniform in structure. It will be important to make sure that it flows with the rest of the paper. Make it easy for your audience to find what they are looking for.

  7. Create unique pieces
  8. You want to create some unique charts and graphs to add to your paper. Don’t just use other individual’s works and cite them.

  9. Proofread and edit
  10. Just like you will proofread and edit the rest of your paper, don’t stop there. You want to make sure that you edit the appendices too. You should try to make all the margins the same and make all of the spaces between the graphs the same size as well.

You may want to check out an example to make sure that you are doing it properly. It is a helpful way to understand how it should look.