10 Catchy Topics for Your Term Paper on Conservation

Taking care of our environment is very important if we don’t do it, we could face a devastating future for our children. There are some great things that we can do now to help keep our future bright and these topics for your term paper will have your audience thinking about change.

10 Catchy Topics

  • Conservation action is one topic that you can cover. You can look at how the government and other partners are doing to conserve valuable resources.
  • Climate change is also a popular one and since there is always new studies and research done every year on it, you will be able to find new information on the subject.
  • Water is one of the most important resources that we need to conserve and it is used for so many things. A current study says that we will be facing a shortage in as little as 20 years if we don’t do something now.
  • The Nature Conservancy is a group that is trying to implement a solution to the rainforest being destroyed. You could do your paper on them or how the rainforest helps in the environment.
  • If action is not taken to help conserve the coral reefs, then in about 40 years, 70% of it will be gone.
  • Bird migration is also a good subject that you can cover. Many birds are losing their habitats because of the elimination of wooded areas all over the world.
  • Land conservation is also another important subject that you can cover. You can look at how if you don’t conserve it, we will have food shortages and other problems.
  • The connection between people and conservation, how we want to protect all of the important resources to ensure that we will have a bright future.
  • Where we get our energy resources is important but at what cost to the environment? Mining is how it is done and they can cause some problems to the Earth. You could look at other resources that can be used as well as alternative fuels.
  • Funding is one of the main roadblocks that people that are trying to find ways to conserve resources face. There just isn’t enough of it and it can be difficult to obtain. Look at different ways to get funding and explain why it is so hard for people to give and receive it.