Creating A Term Paper Title Page: Things To Remember
Title, the first thing they see in your term paper
Irrespective of your course of study whenever you submit a term paper, the first thing that the paper checker sees is the title. So it absolutely important to have a strong title page. You need to keep certain things in minds; a few guidelines which will help you construct a very strong title page. Then you can have a great first impression on the paper checker. Following some basic tips and tricks will be very effective.
- Keep it simple.
- Use strong, bold fonts.
- Include key words or phrases.
- No pictures.
Do not try to do too much on your title page. Keep it simple. Only what is absolutely necessary to identify your term paper should be mentioned on the title page. It should contain your name, your course of study and other student information like roll no etc. It must have the title of the term paper, along with any subtitle that is required. It can contain some basic information about your course like teacher’s name etc but that is it.
Whenever you are writing a title page, do not experiment too much with the font style or size of the content. Use two or three fonts at the most, maybe one for your name and details, one for the title and one for the subtitle. Also, if you are writing your term paper on the computer, avoid font styles like comic sans ms etc. make sure you use proper alignment as well, and try avoiding justified alignment for title page.
In the title use words that are relevant to the topic. Also try to give a brief idea about the term paper in the title itself. If the title gets too lengthy, cut it and add a subtitle. Make sure that the first page of your paper, which is the title, is absolutely impeccable. The title should be something that grabs the attention of the reader at once.
Adding pictures or logos to the title page of your term paper is not at all a good idea. It makes it look unprofessional and childish. You can add a picture in the background, in such a manner that it does not overpower the text on the page. Adding a picture as an object is not a good idea. Adding logos without proper permission can also lead to complicacies.