Guidelines teaching you how to write a conclusion for a research paper


A good paper has a lot of elements and flows well together. It is one cohesive piece of writing. A lot of people tend to fizzle out on their conclusion though. They have a great paper filled with good ideas and then they just write something that lacks the kind of strength that the rest of the paper has just to get it over with. This makes the end a disappointment and can get you a poor grade. A good conclusion is important.

A good conclusion should be:

  • As strong as the rest of the paper
  • In the same general tone as the rest of the paper
  • Flow well with the rest of the paper
  • A recapping of the paper itself
  • A way to prove your point again using different words
  • Original, not just what you already said in the body of the paper

Bad conclusions

Bad conclusions tend to repeat in the same words the point that was already made. They are usually non-specific and so vague that you can’t even understand what point they were trying to make to begin with. People often lose the well researched and well constructed form of the paper in the conclusion. They often start using less sophisticated words and make a small general paragraph that says something like, “So basically I believe what I said to be true because of what I found out.” This is a bad conclusion because it does not mention the topic of the paper or any of the research that went into it.

Good conclusions

Good conclusions are strong. They state in a clear manner that you proved a point, made an argument or stated facts. It will also contain some of those facts but in a different way than how you have already put them. It should help people recall your point, argument or facts and flow well with the body of the paper.


When you have a poor conclusion it seems as if you were just done trying at all. This can earn you a bad grade because if the whole paper is not strong than the conclusion can bring down the good work that you have done. Being that it is at the end, people remember it clearly and if it does not fit with the rest of your paper or is not as good as the rest it does drag down all of the good parts with it. The importance of a strong conclusion is paramount. Follow these rules and you can have a strong conclusion to help the paper come together and prove its point well.