Ideas On How to Write an Outline For A Research Paper

No paper can be written off the top of a student’s head. Each part of it needs to planned and prepared before one full sentence can be formed.  It may seems silly or tedious to prepare an outline, but if the student doesn’t prepare for the paper, it has the potential to be sloppy and unorganized.   Ideas

  • Identify what type of outline you are writing. Are you writing it just to organize your thoughts or are you making this to turn in for your paper. That will determine how you lay it out.   
  • Categorize the points and ideas.  When you write down the ideas, categorize them in order of importance and impact.  By placing a value on the thought you will able to put them in the outline in a order that makes sense.  So when you go to write the paper you start out with a stronger point, not a weaker one.  
  • For each idea listed add to sub-points.  Listing each sub point to the overhead theme make it simple to translate those ideas into a research paper.
  • Add Notes.  When you place a note about which source to use for this point you are really helping yourself out in the long run.  Making the paper simpler.  Now be simple with these notes, maybe just the researcher name or the article title for the source.  You don’t want to start writing your paper at this point.  If you are having to turn it in as a part of the final paper, they you want to keep this as clean as possible.
  • Be concise.  In an outline there is no reason to run on and on.  Simply put a topic down.  If the topic is Kitchen Knives.  Making a topic of types and a sub point of Serrated and Straight, you don’t need to write down what you are going to say or anything else, just that on the outline.  Again if this is being turned in as a part of the final paper, you want the copy to be clean.
  • Include the introduction and conclusion. These two sections tie in and finalize your research paper.  It’s even ideal to write your thesis statement onto your outline, so you can keep the focus of the paper from the get go.
  • These idea will lead to a outline for a great research paper, and that will lead to a great research paper.  A prepared and ready student is the student who succeeds and excels.  Taking these tips for writing an outline will make it easier for a student to write the actual research paper.  

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