McDonalds’ Corporate Social Responsibility
- McDonalds has a firm believe on corporate social responsibility. This is because it has various projects in areas where it operates. Most of these projects are charity initiatives that support various programs within their locations of operation. This encouragement support programs enable McDonalds to give back to the community, these projects are valid because they target those that are in need. These programs under corporate social responsibility enable McDonalds achieve popularity and through getting support from local communities where they operate. Some of the facilities that are set to assist the communities include sporting, educational and recreation amenities.
- Corporate social responsibility is very important to McDonalds. This is a very good marketing strategy to the company. By enhancing positive features in the society in which they dwell, they gain a lot of support and warm accommodation by the surrounding. This also assists in creating marketing partnerships with other organizations that are involved in the same programs. By improving the quality of life in their surrounding communities, they also assist in enhancing the quality of life in their workforce and thus improving employment relations. Some of the initiaves are in conserving the environment through recycling of some waste products.
- Avoiding corporate social responsibility has a negative impact in the operations of McDonalds. This is because acting with responsibility is one of principles that govern the organization. This an ongoing process that assists them assist the community in various aspects of life. By not engaging in CSR, McDonalds may risk losing their reputation and competitive marketing advantage. Operating in a stable and happy environment is very crucial to business operation. These community support programs provide support and encouragement to their workers and thus a morale boosting venture. CSR is a gradual and progressive endeavor that enhances growth and marketing and thus unavoidable to McDonalds.